New Information on William Lloyd Garrison’s mother, Fanny

Recently I have been in communication with Edward Papenfuse, a former Maryland State Archivist and historian. Now retired, Ed has been looking further into some documents he found concerning the bank activity of Fanny Lloyd Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison’s mother. (I will refer to him as “Lloyd” from here on.) Ed read my article on this website and shared his information which I am now (with his permission) sharing with you. This is new and exciting evidence of Fanny’s activities during her final years in Baltimore. (Be sure to read my article on her tragic but fascinating tale.)

The documents Ed found come from the Maryland State Archives collection of the Baltimore Savings Bank records (MSA SC 4313 1st Fidelity Collection of the Savings Bank of Baltimore.) I am including two of them here. The first is an account in the name of Maria Elizabeth Garrison, Lloyd’s younger sister. A note on the side indicates that the funds in this account were transferred to Fanny’s account on October 7, 1822. This was probably soon after Elizabeth’s death at the tender age of 14. The transaction was approved by one Stephen Williams who might have been a bank manager.


The second image is of Fanny’s own bank account dating from 1823 and 1824. Fanny died in 1823, so I am assuming that the 1824 notations have to do with interest. Ed says that there was an earlier account in Fanny’s name that he is trying to track down.


Ed is working on an even more enticing question, which is, where Fanny was buried. The Baptist Churchyard where she was originally put to rest no longer exists. Hopefully, Ed will be able to track down what happened to her remains, and I will be able to share that information with you.  I cannot thank him enough for sharing this new information with me. Although I am no longer researching the family, I find their story incredibly compelling. I have forwarded Ed’s information on to descendants of William Lloyd Garrison, and they are as intrigued as I am and eager to learn more.

If you have any new information on the Garrison family, please respond through the “Comments” section here or on Fanny’s page.

2 thoughts on “New Information on William Lloyd Garrison’s mother, Fanny

  1. i have just entered into the world of fanny, cant wait to buy the book, i too embroider and crochet..i am 70 and have wanted to do this all my like… so here i am….off to fetch my hoop thread and needle…..blessings


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